We welcome you to our weekly bible studies every Sunday morning. This study is led by Larry Nichols and begins at 11:00 am, immediately after worship.

Each Wednesday, at 10:15 am a study on the Book of Revelation is led by Deacon Mary Sweet. Both studies meet in the comfort of Discipleship Hall and will have you leaving with more questions than you came with. Excellent reviews on both. Join us.


Our new GRIEFSHARE session begins in September, on Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm. The study will be led by Deacon Mary Sweet and Randy Eicher. Enroll by emailing Deacon Mary at pastormarysweet@icloud.com, emailing the church at jacksontrinitychurch@gmail.com or clicking the registration button below and enrolling online. There is no charge for the 12 week study. Books will be available at the church. You do not need to be a member of Trinity to come. We welcome everyone. If you have thought about coming…please do. It is not a progressive program. You are welcome any week.

A special holiday GriefShare session is being planned for Sunday evening, from 6-8 as a stand alone event to focus on getting through the holidays mentally and emotionally in good shape. It is a one night only session and you do not need to be a member of any GriefShare group to participate. We hope you find the strength to join us.

Church Activities And Missions

Trinity’s prayer pole is gathering attention. Not only does it serve as a place to put a prayer request from the general public but it also is a place for us to offer free gloves and masks to anyone who needs them.

The little library is stocked and looking for readers. Located on the south side of the church near the Christmas tree lot the little library serves the community 24/7. We would love your extra books.

Due to the ongoing pandemic we have missed having the Rose Parade for the last couple of years. Will it be marching by this year? Our building is always open during the parade to let people come in out of the weather, use the restrooms or enjoy the parade from the comfort of our lawn. We cook up a mean hot dog as well.


Trinity's United Methodist Men's group has been doing Christ's work for more than 50 years.  Our biggest project of the year is the annual Christmas Tree sales for three-to-four weeks starting Thanksgiving Weekend. Proceeds from the tree sales fund a variety of church projects, help send kids to church camp, and supplement the general fund. The Men's Club also takes pleasure in serving the Easter Morning breakfast.


The Praise Team is a select group of musicians (singers and a “praise band”) that focuses on contemporary Christian worship music. Membership is open to adults and teenagers. The Praise Team provides special music for special circumstances.  Any and all are welcome to participate.


The Hand bell Choir membership is open to all interested parties and membership in one of our “regular” choirs is not necessary to play hand bells. The Choir performs at Christmas, at Easter and at other times of the year as determined by the Music Director. Practice is typically on Sunday afternoons prior to the Sunday Night Activities beginning 5-6 weeks before the scheduled performance.


Many times during the year several members of the congregation will participate to prepare and serve a meal to the residents of Inter-Faith Shelter.  We also collect and donate personal hygiene supplies and take them to the Aware or Inter-Faith Shelter. 


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